My first novel, The Geometry of Love, is a first person narrative and partly autobiographical, set in Thatcher’s Britain. It’s been featured on radio, Welsh TV and newspapers and I’ve read at Hay Festival, the Millennium Centre in Cardiff and for many Reading and Writers’ groups. I’m pleased to say that my publishers are keeping it in print and it’s now on kindle and still selling.
My second novel, The Shadow of Nanteos, was a Waterstone’s book of the month in Wales. Set in the haunting 18th Century Cardiganshire mansion, it is a passionate story of love and ambition. You can follow latest developments on the book’s facebook page. The novel was launched at Nanteos Mansion Country House Hotel in Cardiganshire and was long-listed for the Historical Novel Society Awards 2015.
My latest novel, The Dipping Pool, returns to the 'Wild West' of Wales in the 18th Century. It is both prequel and sequel to The Shadow of Nanteos and explores the often brutal life endured by workers on the Nanteos estate and in the lead mines. Published in 2020, it joined the first Nanteos novel as best seller in Wales.
Apart from autobiographical writing in Honno Press’ award winning anthology ‘Laughing, Not Laughing,’ I’ve been published mostly as a poet. Work has appeared in The Independent, The Observer Magazine, The Big Issue, Planet, New Welsh Review, Wales on Sunday and I’ve won numerous awards and prizes. In 2016, I completed a second poetry collection ‘The Grief Garden.’ The first, ‘Naked Playing the Cello’ was published by The Collective Press in 2003. After studying English and Drama at UEA I taught at a Welsh Language Secondary school, during which I had a sabbatical to study Creative Writing at Cardiff University where I earned an MA dist. I went on to work as Head of Drama at King Henry VIII School, Abergavnny, and to develop literary & creative writing courses. I have delivered course and lectures at colleges, adult education centres, the University of Wales, the National Library of Wales and at the North American Festival of Wales. I am a member of Literature Wales / Welsh Academy of Writers. I have also worked as an examiner for WJEC.
After moving to west Wales in 2018 I've been working as a freelance tutor & managing a small holding. I've recently been approached to join the Welsh/Irish Celtic Routes initiative, working with Rhiannon, Tregaron & Plas Nanteos Hotel to create a series of events exploring Celtic & Welsh folk culture.
My next novel 'The Switch & the Monkey' will be set in the 19th century.