The Scold's Bridle
This International Women's Day I'm feeling like I've dodged a bullet! Let me introduce the brank's/ gossip's bridle, used against...

One in 7.8 Billion
I had fun writing about the two babies that feature in The Dipping Pool and was thrilled to have the first new baby in our family for...

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd! Let's get some discipline in here!
First day of 2021 and maybe foolish, rash and certainly optimistic, I've given myself a task: a book in a year. I wobbled and wasted...

Only one book shop left in Wales!
Dear Friends, The last post of 2020! First of all - thank you! It's been so great to have sales, clicks, hearts, thumbs up, interested...

The Georgian Christmas
Georgian Christmas was very much all about parties, balls and family get-togethers. The Georgian Christmas season ran from December 6th...

Yorkshire's Ripper
I never knew him; his life never ruined mine. Yet the news of his death is a small sharp stone eased out from the sole of a worn shoe,...

The Hunt
Like business men and women and politicians; like writers, directors, actors; the gentry families of Eighteenth Century Ceredigion were...

Signed copies for Christmas !
Would you like a signed copy of 'The Shadow of Nanteos' or 'Nanteos: The Dipping Pool' or both (!) in time for Christmas? Bethan at...

Real Halloween! Nos Galan Gaeaf
All-Hallow’s Eve is a date that’s special to me these days in a way it never was when I was a child. My parents were neither religious...

'Meet the Powell Women', live from Plas Nanteos this Thursday
I so enjoyed being in the luscious Nightingale Suite at Nanteos last Thursday for the Magic and Ritual live Instagram session! Many...